Francis Alÿs


5 comentarios:

  1. El corto "Espejos" del artista Francis Alÿs refleja de una forma muy metafórica a la par de muy clara las grandes diferencias de culturas y realidades que hoy en día viven muchos niños en el mundo por el hecho de nacer en otro país donde la situación tanto política como económica es muy compleja.

    1. Estamos totalmente de acuerdo. Este autor consigue criticar situaciones complejas de la sociedad. Es de gran admiración como a través de un juego de niños, el autor hace referencia a asuntos bélicos. Además, también es importante tener en cuenta el lugar que ha elegido F. Alÿs: la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, zona de gran controversia, conflictividad y precariedad.

      Clara, Marc y Roger.

  2. Es interesante observar cómo el autor retrata la guerra a partir del juego. El conflicto continuo en que viven muchos menores en países como México se ve reflejada en él, y cómo pierden parte de su inocencia hasta ver "normalizado" interpretar roles violentos, a pesar de utilizar un objeto tan cotidiano como el espejo. La forma en que está editado el video ( el sonido ambiente y el de los gritos de los niños, el movimiento de la cámara, las habitaciones vacías o incluso el reflejo de los espejos) nos hace pensar que estamos en plena guerra y casi resulta desagradable.

  3. I think that, in Games around the world, there are different points of view, mostly between the first two and the last one. When I saw the first two videos I thought that, even if sometimes it can be heard the voice of the director or someone behind the camera, they show quite objectively the facts that are happening, like a documental (same perspective all the time, same rhythm), quite monotonous. However, in "Sandcastles", you can see changes of perspective and scenes, you can see the pass of time played by the waves of the sea, how they try to build a castle, or an island. They have to fight against the water, try to take it away and build higher, but the tide wins and they have to give up and move on. They seem not disappointed, they will try to build it better next time. It looks like the metaphor of life, how we fight for what we want (to do, to be, to get, ...), sometimes we do it even knowing that we'll lose, and this habit could be even more common in children. Learning from mistakes.

    1. Thank you Amaia for your comment.
      Your opinion made us think further about the way we have focused the artworks. We agree that the first two videos are more monotonous in the way they are recorded. However, we believe that not because of this, they are simply documentaries. In our opinion, they are more than simple videos about different games, but he chose them in order to express something; send a message.
      Regarding the last video, "Sandcastles", you are right on saying that it may be a metaphor of life, although we did not make this reflection when we wrote our analysis. We focused it on the way the video is recorded and on the type of game that is being played. Thus, your interpretation can be perfectly extracted from the artwork and it has given us another point of view of it.
      Alba Ginesta, Clara Grau, Marta Magallón, Alba Tomàs & Queralt Vilà.
